Toothpick & dependency injection

Dependency Injection & Toothpick

During this talk I'll introduce Toothpick, a new dependency injection framework for Java with special focus on Android. It offers a compromise between complexity and performance, being as simple as Roboguice and almost as fast as Dagger! By the way, the testing integration is simply awesome! You will see that a toothpick is sharper than a dagger!

Speaker: Daniel Molinero Reguera

Slides: Presentation

Toothpick repository: Github


  • Toothpick will remain under the Apache 2 license

  • Library encourages application or activity instead of contex injection

  • Footprint on the app is not clear yet, as it has only been released two weeks ago

  • It is possible to annotate all kinds of providers, even in a lazy way

Last updated